If you are new to the Digital & Transformation Lead role, we are launching cohort 2 - which is a 4 session course starting on the 25th October together with a selection of free resources in the form of podcast episodes, blogs and video. Registration is now open!
An Introduction to the Digital & Transformation Lead Role
Cohort 2 Launches 25th October 2023
A four - session professional development course for Primary Care Network Managers, Digital & Transformation Leads and anyone leading change wanting specific support on how to improve the implementation of your change projects.
This course is designed to
Provide clarity about what your role and remit entails
Create space to design and lead a real-life project and equip you with a toolbox of new resources
Support delegates to form a community of change agents interested in digital and transformation
This four session course is the perfect introductory course for PCN Managers, Digital and Transformation leads and for those leading change.
We created this course because, since the release of our blog covering the role of the digital and transformation lead, we have been repeatedly asked to provide training and support.
Your course facilitators;
Tara Humphrey
Tara is the Founder of THC Primary Care, which celebrated its 8th anniversary in March 2023. Tara is an experienced PCN Manager and oversees digital and transformation initiatives across a number of Primary Care Networks across the country.
Tara has an MBA in Leadership in Management in Health Care, and has completed training in the following;
Prince 2 Certificate
Six Sigma
The NHSE General Practice Improvement Leaders Programme
Communication and presentation skills
Tara is a former faculty member of the NHSE Time for Care Team, which supports general practices to implement quality improvement tools.
Tara is passionate about sharing best practice and providing support to the PCN Community.
Collaboration is at the heart of what we do, and reaching out to work with Conor was a no-brainer!
Conor Price
Conor is an experienced analytical leader with a history of working in the hospital & health care industry, both within Primary and Secondary Care.
He is skilled in communication, change management, negotiation, EMIS Web, Power BI and Integrated Care Systems.
Conor has completed a Mary Seacole Qualification focused in Leadership from NHS Leadership Academy, The Prince 2 Practitioner training and Quality, service improvement and redesign (QSIR) through the NHS.
Conor is responsible for Digital, Data & Technology for Herefordshire General Practice, driving digital and data innovation and change.
Dr Hussain Gandhi
Dr Hussain Gandhi will also be joining the course for one session.
Hussain is the co-founder of eGPlearning, a GP Partner and PCN Clinical Director and is all about tech and facilitating change.
How much is the course?
£1,800 + VAT
Course Format
Session 1
Wednesday 25th October 2023
9:15am - 12:15pm
Session 2
Wednesday 8th November 2023
9:15am - 12:15pm
Session 3
Wednesday 29th November 2023
9:15am - 12:15pm
Session 4
Wednesday 13th December 2023
9:15am - 12:15pm
The role of the Digital and Transformation Leads getting started
Data, Digital & Transformation
Getting to know each other
Examples of established roles
Understanding the context you are working within
Ground rules
Identifying the problems – Data and stakeholder feedback
An introduction to the national NHS tools, systems and dashboards and other popular tools
An introduction to simple tools and techniques
Building your change team
The role of the clinical champion
Anticipating barriers and building resilience
Project documentation
Moving to business as usual
Project documentation
Monitoring tools
Project management lessons learned. When things go wrong and what to do about them
The programme is delivered over eight weeks. Every session there is a live 3 hour teaching and learning session on the sessions outlined above.
Delegates are expected to work on a real-life change project.
Feedback from Cohort 1
I feel invigorated
I feel more focussed
The course helped me to change my approach
I feel more confident to try new approaches
I think my expectations are now more realistic
I am more patient
I trust my gut more
I understand more about data sources
I now take more time to understand the strategic landscape and am listening to podcasts and reading more

Check out our resources to aid those new to the Digital & Transformation Lead Role
The Role of the Digital Transformation Lead episode 216
The importance of the Digital Transformation Lead Role and how it can benefit your PCN for the better
What is the difference between the Digital and Transformation Lead & a Primary Care Network Manger?
How are the roles funded?
What is this new role supposed to do?
The Role of the PCN Digital & Transformation Lead
In this video, I talk you through the role of the Primary Care Network Digital and Transformation Lead role and signpost you to lots of resources to help you work through whether this role is right for your Primary Care Network.
In this blog, we provide you with the following;
A draft job description ( to get you started)
Some objectives to guide the first 90 days in this role
Five resources to support either those who have recently been appointed or are interested in applying for the role of the Digital and Transformation Lead
Seven interview questions to help you with your Digital and Transformation Lead recruitment
Do we need a Digital & Transformation Lead?
For those of you who are considering whether adding a PCN Digital and Transformation Lead could be a valuable move for your Primary Care Network, we have;
Compiled some questions for you to consider
Reviewed the GP webinar, which took place on 3rd November and highlighted the intentions for this role
Presented how the Digital and Transformation Lead role can work alongside a PCN Manager
Can the PCN Manager also be the Digital & Transformation Lead? and what would the JD look like?
Many PCNs would like to see a JD which combines the PCN Manager role with some of the Digital and Transformation Lead responsibilities, as many PCN Managers in the post are already undertaking these responsibilities and are not being recognised at the recommended Digital and Transformation Lead pay grade or protected by the same terms and conditions as other ARRS roles.
Quality Improvement Tools for Primary Care Network Digital & Transformation Leads
In this blog, you will find:
The NHS toolkit for leading large-scale change. This resource introduces you to a host of quality improvement tools which will aid you in your role.
A robust risk assessment template which is available to download, to support you in proactively considering and documenting what could derail your project.
9 (more) top tips to support you to be successful in your role.
4 podcasts that provide practical advice on how to manage change using quality improvement.
PCN Digital & Transformation Lead Podcast Playlist
Are you a Digital & Transformation Lead looking to learn from those who have first-hand experience in facilitating change at scale in the field of primary care?
Whilst we have published over 250 episodes on our Business of Healthcare Podcast, we have created a playlist of the episodes that specifically provide support, advice and inspiration to help elevate your approach to the projects you are leading.
The playlist features leaders from Accrux, Ardens Manager, Hero Health, Elemental, eConsult, 10to8, Holly Health, Digibete, Lantum and Evergreen Life
Delivered by
Tara Humphrey & Conor Price

Tara Humphrey
Experienced PCN Manager
Host of the Business of Healthcare Podcast
Founder of THC Primary Care

Conor Price
Primary Care Analytics' Managing Director
Investment & Registration
The cost of the course is £1,800 plus VAT/per person.
When completing our registration form you will have a tentative place on our programme. A formal place will only be confirmed after we have received FULL payment for the course.
No refunds will be issued after payment is made.
Registration is now OPEN
If you have any questions about the course, please contact admin@thcprimarycare.co.uk

When does the course start?PCN Plus launches on 13th June 2024. The course is being delivered over ten months, with one subject/module covered per monthly live session.
How much experience is required to start the course?PCN Plus has been created for experienced PCN leaders and Clinical Directors. The course is a leadership programme specifically related to the unique format, challenges and opportunities that stem from leading within a PCN.
Who is delivering the course?- Experienced PCN Manager Tara Humphrey and host of the Business of Healthcare Podcast - Experienced PCN Clinical Director and eGPlearning founder Dr Hussain Gandhi - Experienced GP Partner and eGPlearning Podblast collaborator Dr Andrew Foster - Former NHS Chief Executive Ben Gowland and host of The General Practice Podcast Together they have a proven track record in leading general practices, primary care services and PCN Networks. Combining their expertise, to bring you PCN Plus, a leadership programme that speaks to the heart of the challenges and opportunities you will face as a PCN leader.
How is the course delivered?PCN Plus comprises of ten, live, online teaching sessions which take place on the second Thursday of each month on Zoom, from 7.00 to 9.00PM. As well as the live monthly sessions, participants will receive a range of additional resources, information and useful materials, as well as access to an exclusive membership community only for programme participants.
How much is the course and how do I apply?The course is £3,000 + VAT per person. An early bird booking discount is available for those registering before 31st May 2024 - plus 6 months free THC membership! Please apply using the form on this page, or by emailing pcnplus@outlook.com directly.