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Webinars with THC Primary Care & Best Practice


Check below for details on upcoming webinars 

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Creating an Effective Care Coordination Service (focusing on small things that make a big difference)


In this webinar, Sarah Cole will be sharing her insight and experiences of how 4PCN in South Gloucestershire

1. Has created its care coordination service with a focus on anticipatory care and patients with learning disabilities and severe mental illness.
2. Has included people with lived experience into their workforce and the training they have provided.
3. Works in collaboration with other parts of the system.

We will also discuss:

1. How the PCN and practice dynamic has changed over the years.
2. The challenges evidencing impact, outcome and value for money.
3. How they plan to aid staff progression in their care coordination team.

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Top Tips to support your growing Primary Care Network team


In this webinar, Tara Humphrey, CEO at THC Primary Care, was joined by Jemma Fairclough Haynes – CEO and HR specialist at Orchard Employment, to share and discuss some common HR issues relating to:

1. The importance of having up-to-date employment contracts
2. Managing requests and budgeting for salary increases
3. TUPE considerations when moving managed services to in-house
4. Absence management

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The role of the PCN Pharmacist and Pharmacy Tech and how the role is evolving


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In this webinar, Tara Humphrey – CEO at THC Primary Care, Dr Lavan Baskaran, Private/NHS GP Partner, and Shaun Hockey, Managing Director - Medacy and a Pharmacist, discuss:

• The role of the pharmacist – where did they start – where are they now.
• Challenges relating to the role and how to overcome these.
• The role of the pharmacy tech.
• Lavan’s role and responsibilities as a PCN Clinical Director.
• Avenues for career progression for pharmacists and pharmacy tech.
• Opportunities for collaboration with community pharmacy first

In this webinar, Tara Humphrey provides an introduction to the role of the Digital and Transformation Lead featuring Brad Hough, Digital & Transformation Lead at Warwickshire North Primary Care Network and Conor Price, Chief Information Officer for Herefordshire General Practice & Managing Director for Primary Care Analytics. 




  • Their experience to date

  • An overview of their PCN

  • Their role and remit

  • Some of the challenges faced within their role

  • Top tips to get the most from this role

  • What have they delivered to date? 

In this webinar, Tara Humphrey & Ollie Hart discuss 3 Dimensional Health Care


Personalised care was one of the core pillars of the 2019 NHS plan. We have seen progress with new personalised care additional roles and the adoption of social prescribing. However social prescribing and personalised care has been quite medically focused. This session will explore the benefits for patients, staff and the NHS as a whole, of expanding our thinking and actions, to include social and self care. We will especially focus on the value of health coaching as an enabler in moving towards 3 dimensional health care

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