Strategic Workforce Planning in your Primary Care Network (Understanding the Investment Required)
At THC Primary Care, we have created a library of resources (over 250) to support the leadership and management of your Primary Care Networks.
This blog and video is inspired by a question I was asked at Best Practice Birmingham on 11th October 2023, and I wanted to expand on the answer I gave.
The question was:
How can Primary Care Networks recruit staff, at a salary that attracts and retains, which networks can sustain, alongside not being so attractive it causes conflict and competition between your PCN practices? And, where do we get the money from, over and above the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme, moving forward?
In this blog and video, I share some principles to aid your strategic workforce planning, so your primary care network and system better understand the investment required, over and above the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme.
This resource should be viewed alongside our blog titled; How to Approach Primary Care Network Pay Rises in 2023 and Beyond.
Let's jump in!
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